Yes, after much thought, I have finally decided to start blogging. I know the world is full of useless, boring blogs, but I thought to myself, "Hey, what's the harm in one more?" So if you enjoy sarcasm and the endless rants of a college freshman, I hope you'll find this blog to your liking.
It's amazing how far one's mind can wander when it is supposed to be focusing on something else. To quote Virginia Woolf, "Yet it is in our idleness, in our dreams, that the submerged truth comes to the top." At this moment, I am supposed to be studying for a Chemistry exam that I have in less than four hours. Of course, my mind will simply not allow this. Instead it says things like, "The wood grain in this desk is sooo interesting!" or "Now is the perfect time to take a nap!" or "Hey! Let's start a blog!" So here I am, currently procrastinating and rambling on and trying to pioneer my way through my very first blog. I apologize for this blog. It is my first trial run and I'm just trying things out. Also, my mind is currently preoccupied with things like orbitals, electronegativity, and other chemistry mumbo-jumbo.
Have I mentioned how much I hate Chemistry? Because I do. Not with just a normal hate, but more like a soul enveloping, rock you to the core hate. Ya....that much. This particular class has kept me up many nights, worrying about if I'll pass or fail. At this point in time, it's leaning more to the latter. But hey, it can't be all bad, without it I probably would not have started this blog. Anyways, I should probably get back to studying for my inevitable failure. I'm not quite sure how you finish these things....
Until next time,