Friday, December 28, 2012


        What with it being Christmas break and all, I've been able to get ample amounts of sleep. Like seriously, we're talking 12 hours a night. It's great. But here lately I've been dreaming more than usual. Normally, I have a dream at least once a week, but this break I've been having one every night. These aren't normal dreams either. They're extremely odd, contain people I hardly know, and they seem to be very long and I can recall them in great detail.

        The other night I had a strange dream about my high school. It started out pretty normal. There were class rooms, teachers, homework, and brain dead students. Pretty normal stuff. It wasn't long before things started getting weird, like really weird. I was just walking through the hallways and somehow I wound up in this garage/room thing. Next to the garage door sat these two girls. They were hunched over something so I walked up beside them to see what they were doing. Strangely, I found them eating flowers and stuff. I was all, "Don't do that! It's bad for you!" So of course, they started climbing the walls somehow. But I didn't have much time to pay attention to that, because at that moment the garage door opened and I ran out. Outside, there was a huge chain link fence. As I was staring at it, I noticed two lions were charging at it. They ran head first into it and were able to break through. Once they were free, all sorts of animals began to escape. Lions, tigers, bears.....ya, you know. So to save you the boredom of the rest of the dream, I'll just sum it up quickly. I found a white ostrich, had to return it, ended up riding it around the school, and then going for a swim in the school's brand new pool. Strange...Ya, I know.

        So why have I been having such strange dreams? I'm not really sure. Some ancient civilizations believed that while one was dreaming, their soul actually left their body and went to the place they were dreaming of. If that's the case, and a part of me really did go back to high school, then that's much more of a nightmare than a dream. While others believed that dreams were signs from beyond, a sign from the supernatural. Well, that doesn't make much sense either. The only thing I could get from the dream is don't eat flowers, because you'll start climbing walls, or maybe that I need to get myself an ostrich. Regardless of what people of the past believed, my mind has been on imagination overload. The only reason I can discern for this...the ill side effects of mass binge eating of holiday sweets.

Until next time

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